FP7 Frequently Asked Questions

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The content and links are no longer maintained and may now be outdated.

  • Support to education and innovation, what is % of funding and what activities can be funded at 100%.
    This topic is using the collaborative project as a funding mechanism. This means that depending on the type of activity and type of participant, the funding level can be 50%, 75% or 100%. In particular "management" and "other activities" are funded at 100%. These types of activities include (page 6-7 of guide for applicants)
    • Management activities, over and above the technical management of individual work packages, linking together all the project components and maintaining communications with the GSA.
    • Any other activities such as:
      • Activities directly related to the project’s objectives (as identified in the relevant work programme or description of topics) and likely to have a potential impact on the outcome of the project (e.g. debates and initiatives on issues such as ethics, gender, socio-economic, etc.);
      •  Activities to disseminate research results and to prepare for their take-up and use, including knowledge management and, activities directly related to the protection of foreground;
      • Training of researchers and key staff, including research managers and industrial executives (in particular for SMEs) and any potential users of the knowledge generated by the project. The training should aim to improve the professional development of the personnel concerned.
  • Is there a limit to the fraction of activities that can be categorised as management or other:
  • What are the rules about 3rd country participation:
    • Third countries are countries that are not Member States (MSs) or Associated Countries (ACs) for a full listing of these countries see guide for applicants for FP7-GALILEO-2008-GSA-1 (document g_gfacp_200805_en.pdf).
    • In general, all countries can participate as long as minimal conditions are met - in particular the involvement of 3 entities from 3 different MSs or ACs
    • Within the 3rd countries there is a special group called International Cooperation Partner Countries or ICPC. ICPC countries can be funded as long as the minimum requirements of the consortium composition are met (see: http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7/index_en.cfm?lg=en&pg=faq⊂=details&idfaq=26833) . For a list of ICPC countries see Work Programme 2008, cooperation, Annex 1 (document cooperation_general-annexes2008_en.pdf)
    • In case of the "international" topic in the Galileo call (see DESCRIPTION OF TOPICS GALILEO.2008.4.3.1 and GALILEO.2008.4.3.4 International Activities and EGNOS Service Extension in the document g_descriptionoftopic_intactivities_200805_en.pdf), 3rd country participation is required
    • In some special cases a security considerations flag can be raised and a special procedure will be invoked that can have an impact on 3rd country eligibility (Annex B: HANDLING SECURITY-SENSITIVE RTD ACTIONS) because otherwise we might create more confusion and additional questions).
    • In addition, a proposal may also be considered as sensitive, independently of any security classification, if it plans to exchange material subject to transfer or export licensing. If export licences (or intra EU licences) are required for carrying the planned work, applicants must clarify the requirement to have such export or transfer licences and must provide a copy of export or transfer licences (or of the requests) (See Annex B - FP7 evaluation rules)
  • Can you give an indication of the number of projects and budget per topic:
    • The total budget for Collaborative Projects (CPs) is about €28m
    • There are no caps or indications on the number of projects and budget per topic
    • We expect, for each topic a variety of budgets, each tailored to its specific situation maximising the impact for a given amount of funding
    • The projects of the 1st call can give an idea, but should not be seen as an indication
    • The end results of the CP evaluation is one single ranked list which includes all proposals from all topics and all levels of budget.

Updated: Mar 30, 2015